Public Safety Building Committee
Public Forum Presentation and Video Tour:
Guided Tours of the Police and Fire Station Available!
May 18th, 2024 10:00-12:00
Also by appointment-please contact
Chief Illingsworth:
Chief Fasoli:
General Responsibilities and Duties
Public Safety Building Committee Charge
The Committee, which reports to the Select Board, is composed of 11 voting members; the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and one each representing the Select Board, the Historical Commission, the Finance Committee, the Council on Aging or the Friends of the COA, as well as five members of the community or the surrounding area with experience in engineering, construction, architecture, financial management or previous public safety experience. The Town Administrator is ex-officio, non-voting. Appointments shall be staggered one to three year terms.
The Committee shall make efforts to educate the residents of the Town on the need for this facility and to understand current perception of the need and then develop a plan in accordance with the findings.
The Committee shall research and recommend two locations, giving priority to town owned land, to the Select Board - Once a location is approved by the Select Board a new charge for the Committee will be issued.
The Committee shall assist the Select Board in presentations at Town Meetings, Budget Meetings, Public forums, etc. as needed.
Informing and Engaging Southampton's Residents
On Wednesday April 10th 7pm at Norris School there will be public forum for a public safety building. All residents are encouraged to attend. This will provide more information on what is being proposed and the current state of the Fire and Police department buildings. Please share and inform any residents that would be interested that don't have social media. Thank you for your support, we look forward to seeing you there.
Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ
Trivia Quiz Contest-Southampton Police, Fire/EMS
The Public Safety Building Committee is initiating a Trivia Quiz Contest that is intended to be one of a series of fun exercises this winter that will test your knowledge about Southampton's Police and Fire/EMS Departments. As you may know, the Town is working towards designing and building a public safety complex. This quiz is a first step in a multi-faceted effort to engage the community and learn why this is such an important need.
These tidbits of history and today's reality will appear on the Town's website and its official Facebook page: Town of Southampton, Massachusetts, as well as on other social media platforms every couple of weeks between February and April. There will also be paper copies at the Senior Center and Library. All responses will be anonymous, but we will be able to see wrong responses and further build our outreach campaign accordingly. Each correct response is worth two points. You may wish to keep track of your points for each of these Quizzes, because, per an honor system, we will have 'winners' at the beginning of May. Details will be announced later but it could include a ride on the fire truck or visiting the police booking area (voluntarily of course)!
Each Quiz will be ‘open’ for 10 days for your response. We invite you to join in the fun!
Thanks for taking part in the trivia Quiz contest
Reports & Documents
- Elevation Study - One Story Building
- Conceptual Plans 0 College Highway
- Soil Report
- Test Parcel Fits - 204 and 0 College Highway Sites
- Site Criteria Evaluation Matrix
- Environmental Assessment Matrix
- Feasibility Study Program Schedule
- Completed Fire/EMS Questionnaire 8-23
- Completed Police Dept. Questionnaire 8-23
- HKT Powerpoint Presentation 8-7-2023
- 2014 Public Safety Building Presentation
The Public Safety Building Committee
Phone: (413) 529-0106
Mailing Address:
Public Safety Building Committee
Town Hall
210 College Highway
Southampton, MA 01073
Members of the Public Safety Building Committee
Select Board Liaison-Chris Fowles
Position | Name | Term Expires |
Police Chief-CoChair | Ian Illingsworth | 6/30/2027 |
Fire Chief | Richard Fasoli | 6/30/2027 |
Senior/COA Rep. | Cindy Palmer | 6/30/2026 |
Finance Rep. | Reggie Greene | 6/20/2027 |
Historical Com. Rep. | Barry Searle | 6/30/2026 |
Select Board Rep. | Chris Fowles | 6/30/2025 |
At Large | Mark Darnold | 6/30/2027 |
At Large | Charles Kaniecki | 6/30/2026 |
At Large-CoChair | Kristina Madsen | 6/30/2025 |
At Large | John O’Shea | 6/30/2026 |
At Large | Mark Mancino | 6/30/2024 |
Town Admin. Ex Officio | Scott Szczebak |