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Open Space Committee

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2023 Project

THIS PROJECT was unanimously supported by the town residents  AT THE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING - DEC.5, 2023


Mission, Responsibilities and Duties

The Committee shall ensure protection of the Town’s farmlands, woodlands, wetlands, scenic views, and other open spaces vital in sustaining the Town’s historic, agricultural and rural character and in maintaining the quality of air, water, and wildlife habitat for the health and well-being of all residents. The following strategies will be pursued to achieve the Mission:

a)     Advise the Select Board on open space issues.

b)    Align all actions with the Town’s Master Plan and Open Space and Recreation Plan.

c)     Collaborate with all Town boards and committees to achieve the Mission.

d)    Acquire funding through federal, state, local and private sources to achieve the Mission.

e)     Catalog priority lands for conservation and open space acquisition. Develop long-term, regular contact with significant landowners.

f)     Assume the responsibility for the Town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan update, which is generally every seven years, initiating the update process minimally one year prior to expiration to avoid any period of lapse. For that strategy: 

               i.         The Committee’s size will increase to 15. The additional members may be appointed by other Boards and Committees, or be members from the community at-large, and such members will be appointed by the Select Board.  

              ii.         The additional appointees shall be for a period of one (1) year or to the completion of the Open Space and Recreation Plan Update (whichever period is shorter).

            iii.         During the update period the quorum requirement shall be eight (8) members.



Members of Committee

Select Board Liaison-Stephen Johnson

Position Name Expires
Chair Cindy Palmer - Assessors 2021
Clerk Janet Brown - CPC 2026
  Diana Federman - ConCom 2021
  Stephen Johnson - SB 2024
  Paul Diemand - Planning  2024
  Paula Maak - Parks 2024
At-Large Ed Buckley 2025
At-Large Teri Ann Hoog 2025
At-Large Donald Bernier 2026


Friends of Southampton Open Space