Greenway Rail Trail Project Design Timeline Update
Greenway Rail Trail Project Design Update 3/30/2023 Amended
Timeline for Design Steps 2023
After many years of planning and negotiating the Town acquired the Right of Way for the Greenway Rail Trail from the Pioneer Valley Railroad at the end of December 2022. The next steps in this project before it will be able to be constructed will be for the engineering design. The design steps alone will take 2-3 years to complete before the construction of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Path may be bid for construction.
Wetlands delineation along the Right of Way will be taking place Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th. Abutters may see members of the wetland’s delineation staff from Tighe & Bond in yellow vests along the Right of Way on these two days.
Steps for the Design timeline which will be started during calendar year 2023 are:
Surveying work to be completed: (Feb. 2023 to May 2023)
During this period of time abutters of the Right of Way between Coleman Road and Brickyard Road Ext. at Route 10 may find the survey company WSP, placing targets on the Right of Way across your property in preparation for the flyover survey to take place.
Design work: February 2023 to Feb. 2025
Environmental work: March 2023 to September 2024
Design Justification Workbook: April 2023 to Sept. 2023
Functional Design Report: April 2023 to Feb. 2024
Public Outreach Meetings will be scheduled periodically to keep the community updated during this time.
We will be making periodic updates to this timeline schedule on the Greenway Rail Trail Committee page of the Town website as the design of the Greenway Rail Trail proceeds.
Thank you.