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Board of Registrars

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General Responsibilities and Duties

Massachusetts General Laws require that in every town there exist a Board of Registrars consisting of the Town Clerk and three other persons who are appointed by the Select Board.

Each member of the Board of Registrars is appointed for a three-year term. As nearly as possible the members of the board shall represent the two leading political parties. The town clerk need not be enrolled in a political party.

The Board of Registrars is responsible for the entire voter registration process and maintenance of voter registration records. When necessary, Registrars may summon voters before the Board for a hearing when objections are raised about the qualifications of a registered voter. The Board is responsible to certify signatures on nomination papers and petitions.  Registrars assist the Town Clerk in preparing annual street lists, annual registers and voter lists.  Registrars meet after general elections to count returned ballots from overseas voters, if any. The Board of Registrars presides over election recounts. 

Members of the Board of Registrars

Position Name Term Expires
  Sylvia Galvan 2025
  MaryAnne Kuroczko 2027
  William Walden