Jennifer Day CMMC/CMMT
General Responsibilities and Duties
The Treasurer/Collector is an elected position with a three year term. The Treasurer/Collector office is responsible for the printing, mailing and collection of all tax bills issued by the Town of Southampton. These include: Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, Real Estate Tax and Personal Property Tax. The Tax Collector’s office issues and maintains a record of Municipal Lien Certificates to be filed at the Registry of Deeds in Northampton.
Real Estate and Personal Property tax bills are issued and collected on a quarterly basis. (Tax bills are sent in three mailings) The preliminary bills are mailed at the end of June (two part bill) Q1 are due August 1 and Q2 are due November 1. The actual bill Q3 are mailed 12-31 and are due February 1, the actual bill for Q4 are mailed 3-31 and are due 5-1.
No reminder is sent between quarters. By state law, interest is charged on any and all late payments – even bills that have been lost in the mail or never received due to transfer of ownership. Copies of bills are available in the office if anyone should misplace their tax bill.
The Town Treasurer/Collector receives all money belonging to the Town and expends and accounts for it according to the order of the Town’s authorized officers. The Treasurer/Collector performs duties in accordance with the General Laws of Massachusetts as it relates to the management of all Town borrowing and investments; the dispensation of Town scholarship and accounts payable checks; and tax title collections, redemptions or foreclosures.
The Treasurer’s Office is responsible for processing paperwork on new, terminating and retiring employees and for the administration of all employee benefits. The Treasurer’s Office also handles the production and disbursement of the employee paychecks for every Town and School department.
The Treasurer/Collector issues debt required for authorized short-term and long-term borrowing, and on occasion will issue bonds to raise money for certain projects or expenditures. The Treasurer/Collector also monitors and manages the Town’s bonded debt.
Water Bills can now be paid in the Treasurer/Collector office.
The Treasurer/Collector office also collects fees and issues all Transfer Station Stickers and bags. (See Transfer Station for further details)
Contacting the Town Treasurer/Collector
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4pm
Phone: (413) 527-4920
Fax: (413) 529-1001
Office Staff
Angela Bolduc, Assistant Treasurer/Collector
Anne Nomakeo, Treasurer/Collector Administrative Clerk
Mailing Address:
Town Treasurer/Collector
210 College Highway, Suite 1
Southampton, MA 01073