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Sign up for CodeRED®

Download the CodeRED® Mobile Alert app

Tell a friend, tell a neighbor about Southampton’s community EMERGENCY notification system for keeping citizens informed!


To send critical communications to residents and businesses in Southampton. The system provides the ability to quickly deliver messages to targeted areas or the entire town.
The system will be activated for emergency public safety messages and important public notifications. Alerts may include, but are not limited to:

  • Extreme weather
  • Missing and endangered persons
  • Evacuations and lockdowns
  • Water emergencies
  • Chemical spills or release
  • Security alerts

Contact Information:

Individuals and businesses can add their own contact information directly into the CodeRED® website. You can provide additional phone numbers (work, cell, VoIP) and email addresses where you would like to receive notifications.


Your contact information is linked to your street address to ensure emergency notification calls are received by the proper individuals in a given situation.

About CodeRED®

The Town of Southampton has purchased the CodeRED® Emergency Notification System. CodeRED® uses telephone, text and e-mail to quickly provide instructions to residents and businesses on how to prepare for, or otherwise deal with, an emergency situation.

This high-speed telephone and text messaging system can contact the entire Southampton database in less than 30 minutes. If you are not home, CodeRED® will leave a message on most answering devices. The system allows Southampton to contact all residents and businesses or limit the notification to a small geographic area.

The database used by CodeRED® is a combination of published white page listings, Enhanced 911 data and information provided by residents or business owners. To ensure that your phone number is registered (or to add text, e-mail or additional phone numbers) please go to the CodeRED® website and follow the instructions.